Glenbrook Neighborhood Association


The mission of the Glenbrook Neighborhood Association (GNA) is to enhance the quality of life in Glenbrook.


GNA-Bylaws, June 2023

Quarterly Meetings & Upcoming Events

The GNA meets four times a year in January, March, June, and September. The June meeting, at the end of the fiscal year, is the "Annual Meeting" where board members are elected and the budget for the new fiscal year is approved. Every meeting features a Glenbrook-related program presented by a guest speaker. GNA meetings are open to the public, but only members are allowed to vote. Members pay dues that are valid from July 1 through June 30.

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

September 18, 2024, 7pm

January 15, 2025, 7pm

March 19, 2025, 7pm

Upcoming Events:

Fairfield County Giving Day, February 24, 2022

St. Patrick's Day Parade, Saturday March 5, 2022



Vice President

Corresponding Secretary

Recording Secretary



Anita Kozminsky

Melanie Soper

Laurie Doig

Meryl McDaniel


Board of Directors

Lori Constantine

Marie Metz

Zdenka Zeman

Miriam Kliewe

Marc D. Schneider

MaryAnn Mara

Evelyn Simpson

Glenbrook's Elected Representatives in Stamford

Because GNA encompasses the entire 06906 zip code, our streets happen to fall within 5 of Stamford's 20 municipal voting districts as currently drawn. Each voting district has two members on the Board of Representatives, which means that Glenbrook's 10 representatives make up 25% of the Board of Representatives, more than any other neighborhood. You can determine your municipal voting district by clicking this link.

Glenbrook's 10 representatives are:

D-7 Lindsey C. Miller 203-424-7797
D-7 Monica Di Costanzo 203-517-8985
D-8* Anabel Figueroa 203-569-3704
D-8* Nina Sherwood 203-564-9850
D-12 Jonathan Jacobson 203-561-6873
D-12 Ramya Shaw 203-442-1608
D-15 Sean Boeger 203-667-2988
D-15 Carmine Tomas 475-222-5450
R-17 Mary Fedeli 203-353-0405
D-17 Bobby Pavia 203-253-1344

* Maitland Road and Judy Lane only.

Glenbrook's Elected Representatives in Hartford

Glenbrook falls within three state and federal voting districts. You can determine who represents you in Hartford by clicking this link. Below are their email addresses and Stamford phone numbers.

State Assembly

147th District Matthew Blumenthal 860-240-8585
148th District Anabel Figueroa 860.240.8500

State Senate
26th State District State Senator: Ceci Maher. She can be reached by email at
27th State District State Senator: Patricia Billie Miller. She can be reached by email at

Glenbrook Neighborhood Association Background

The Glenbrook Neighborhood Association began in October 1999 after lifelong Glenbrook resident Gloria Battinelli called a Glenbrook member of the Board of Representatives with a complaint about her street. She was told that Glenbrook would have more clout at Government Center if it had a neighborhood organization like Springdale's. At that same time consultants for Stamford's Master Plan were looking for input from Glenbrook and Springdale, the only Stamford neighborhoods with train stations, prime areas for transit-related development. A core of Glenbrook residents provided their vision for Glenbrook's evolution. Afterwards they created a tax-exempt nonprofit organization called Glenbrook Neighborhood Association, Inc., and held the first annual meeting in June 2000. Gloria served as President until June 2010.

The vision for Glenbrook is to create a "village atmosphere" for the commercial area near the train station while providing opportunity for redevelopment that upgrades the neighborhood's quality of life and encourages use of the train. One major focus for GNA is to improve the train station and the experience of the people who use it. Another focus is to serve as a watchdog for the "Village Commercial District," approved by the Zoning Board in June 2009. Other ongoing GNA efforts are clean up and planting projects; community events, such as swaps; and supporting the Glenbrook Fire Department's annual tree lighting event.

To learn about GNA's accomplishments, read the Neighborhood News archives accessible on the Newsletters link. The 2009 issue has information about the zoning change that led to the creation of a Village Commercial District in Glenbrook.

Glenbrook History Project

In 2005 GNA commissioned a short history of Glenbrook, written by freelance history researcher Nils Kerschus. After spending some time in Glenbrook, the author commented that three things distinguish Glenbrook as a neighborhood: Hope Street Park, the presence of mature trees, and the variety of historically significant architecture. For a PDF of the history, click here. Union Memorial Church's Rev. Dr. Blaine Edele, a history buff, volunteered to design a cover and have the document printed and bound. He and Ron Marcus of the Stamford Historical Society then photographed the extant buildings mentioned in the history. The images are in the Photo Gallery. Bound copies of the history are available in the library of the Stamford Historical Society.

Historical and Architectural Resources Inventory of Glenbrook

You can read the document's introduction, which includes an overview of Glenbrook history here.

Learn More About Stamford

Stamford Historical Society (recommended: their Phillips Estate photos.)

Cove Neighborhood Association

Springdale Neighborhood Association

East Side Partnership


Web Development: Howard Urban
Web Content Managment: Anita Kozminsky