Many thanks to those who turned out for the fall clean-up. It was a beautiful, albeit blustery day made all the finer by neighborhood volunteers of all ages working for a common cause. A team of volunteers started early, working along the tracks and disposing of large refuse. Another team weeded, cleaned and planted bulbs at the Victory Garden. Others did an outstanding job picking up litter, trash and shopping carts along the blocks on and around Glenbrook Rd, Scofield Ave, Parker Ave, Northrop Field and Hope Street Park. Another team tackled Pine Hill Ave, which was an area, we heard from our Facebook page, was badly in need of a clean-up. There were many treasures exchanged at the Swap. Shredders were once again available for Glenbrook residents to dispose of sensitive paperwork. A special thank you to our sponsors: City Carting & Recycling, Grade A Market, Donut Delight and Tommy K Vitamins for their generous contributions.
Photos from the GNA September 18.
Minutes from this meeting can be found here.
Thirty five were in attendance. Stamford Chief of Police Jon Fontneau spoke about the work that the Stamford Police Department is doing, including an evaluation of safety procedures at all schools and day care centers; targeted traffic enforcement; officers/ambassadors on the street; a program for at-risk girls; a program to find and prosecute predators on the internet. He reported that there are currently 287 police officers, 19 in the academy and 4 more starting their training this year. He answered questions for about 20 minutes.
Business members who were present include Tommy K, City Carting, and Welte Electronics. Karps was represented by employee David Hoskins.
Elected officials present: Jay Fountain (7), Charles Pia (7), Joe Coppolla (15), Frank Cerasoli (15), and Dan Fox (148th Assembly District).
Edith Presley, Asst. Principal at Stark School addressed the group and spoke about this past school year at Stark.
Special thank you to Grade A for donating the 06906 cake.
Minutes from the meeting can be found here.
Our cleanup and swap were successful and fun. This year eight board members brought family members and significant others to participate. One of our newest GNA members worked all morning pulling weeds and stubborn thistles at the train station parking lot. One new member joined on the spot and others took membership forms with them. Neighborhood residents enjoyed finding treasures of all kinds at the swap.
The meeting kicked off with membership and treasurer reports, followed by updates on the CVS shopping center tenants. GNA President Christie Fountain introduced guests, including City Representative, District 7, Jay Fountain; Board of Finance member, David Martin; State Representative, District 147, William Tong and Julia Stark School Principal, Mark Bonasera. GNA member, Polly Morrow introduced representatives from the Greenwich Audubon Society, who gave a presentation about their work creating wildlife-friendly habitats and nature education programs at Stark School.
Minutes from this meeting can be found here.
Fifty members from the residential and business community were in attendance. The agenda included an update on community activities since the September, 2012 meeting; membership, website and Facebook page updates; a report from the treasurer; new neighborhood developments, including recent VCD property sales on Glenbrook Road. Stamford Police Captain Brian McElligott and the attending elected officials spoke briefly.
The guest speaker for the evening was Norman Cole, Stamford's Land Use Bureau Chief. Norman gave a lengthy talk on Glenbrook's Village Commercial District development and zoning, Transit-Oriented Development surrounding the Stamford train station and Urban Transit Way, and improvements to Crescent Street.
Special thank you to Grade A Market for donating the refreshments for the evening.
Minutes from this meeting can be found here.